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Organ, eye, and tissue transplants offer patients a new chance at healthy, productive, normal lives and return them to their families, friends, and communities. Here are some stories of people right here in Connecticut who have been touched by organ donation.

Heather Rowe Purcell

Donor Spouse

Heather lost her husband, David, in a motorcycle accident. David was a kind, generous man; even in death, he gave. David's legacy lives on in the many recipients who received his organs and allowed them a second chance, and Heather shares his story in the hopes of educating others.

Dennis Thomas

Heart Transplant Recipient

Dennis is a heart transplant recipient who has honored the gift of life by working tirelessly to educate others about organ donation. Dennis wrote a book about his experience: Matters of the Heart: My Journey Surviving 10 years and 5 months on the Heart Transplant List.

Jammy and Maurice Davies Donor Parents

Jammy and Maurice Davies lost their daughter Chelsea to Bacterial Meningitis. They were surprised to find that Chelsea was a registered organ donor at the time of her death. Without hesitation, they honored Chelsea's wishes and are fierce advocates for organ donation.

Lon Solomita

Heart Transplant Recipient

Lon suffered a heart attack while working out at the gym on an average day. His life changed in an instant when the doctor told him he needed a heart transplant. Lon shares his story in the hopes of educating others and saving lives.

Connor Dauteuil

Altruistic Kidney Donor

Connor chose to make a difference in the world by donating one of his kidneys in a "non-directed" donation, donating to someone in need for whom he was a match. He shares what has been the most profound experience of his life.

Kevin and Amy Prue

Liver Transplant

Kevin Prue was on the waiting list for a new liver at the time of this video production. Kevin since received his new liver on Thanksgiving Eve 2022. Kevin is recovering and looking forward to renewed health.

Jeff Currey & Karen Gauvain

Living Kidney Donation

State Representative Jeff Currey was diagnosed with IgA Nephropathy and needed a kidney transplant. After months of putting the word out to find a donor, Jeff discovered his best friend, Karen, was a match. Karen truly gave Jeff the gift of life.

Judi Edwards & Angella Haughton

Living Liver Donation

Judi Edwards is a two-time organ donor. She donated a kidney several years ago and most recently, donated a portion of her liver to her co-worker, Angella. The two have become "the sister I never had" to one another.

Nicole Thomas & Christina Haines

Living Liver Donation

Nicole had been living with Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis (PSC) for many years. Her symptoms advanced rapidly when she was pregnant with twins ultimately requiring a liver transplant. Nicole's best friend, Christina, gave her the gift of life.

Dan Drew giving TED Talk

TED Talk: Dan Drew: The Truth about Organ Donation

Dan Drew, former Middletown, CT Mayor and member of the DLC Board of Directors, donated a kidney to one of his constituents. A busy working mom of two teens, Olivia DiMauro required a transplant as a result of her polycystic kidney disease and Dan Drew was her match. Dan shares about the transplant journey in this TED Talk..

Learn About Living Donation
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