Visual Arts Contest 2025
Donate Life Connecticut is happy to announce the launch of the 35th Annual Erica Grossman High School Visual Arts Contest. Since 1990, tens of thousands of high school students have participated in Donate Life Connecticut’s Annual Visual Arts Contest, helping to further organ donation awareness and promote the DLC mission to more Connecticut communities.
The contest is held each year to encourage high school students to learn the importance of Organ and Tissue Donation, giving the student a personal perspective on the importance of the message of Donate Life CT.
Students in grades 9-12 enrolled in a Connecticut High School, including public, private, magnet, and parochial, are invited to participate. Instructions and guidelines are below.
Submission Options
Created with paint, pencil, charcoal, pastels, marker, etc.*
Computer-generated design*
60 seconds or less
Submitted via mail on CD or DVD or via email to
* Size is limited to 17”x 25” printed or 25MB via email. Do not fold, matte, laminate, or frame.
Must use the Donate Life Connecticut logo. Submissions without the Donate Life Connecticut logo WILL NOT be considered during the judging.
Must include simple, direct slogans or phrasing with legible and easy-to-understand artwork.
Apart from the DLC logo, no copyrighted material of any kind can be used, which will result in automatic disqualification.
Submission must contain the phrase “Organ and Tissue Donation” or “Organ and Tissue Donor” and must be an original work created by the student.
All submissions are due by April 30, 2025. Submissions should be submitted electronically to or mailed to Donate Life CT, PO Box 304, Andover, CT 06232. The Submission Form must be included with all submissions and can be downloaded at
Judging and Awards
Judges will select winners from eligible submissions based on criteria, merit, and use of theme.
Winners will be honored at an award ceremony at the Capitol Building in May. Date TBD
Cash prizes will be awarded for winning submissions.
A prize will be awarded to the teacher of the 1st place winner.
Download the complete Contest Guidelines here.
Download the Submission Form here.
Congratulations to our 2024 Award Winners​

First Place
Amelia Tart
Norwich Free Academy

First Runner Up
Diego Garcia
Bullard Havens Technical High

Second Runner Up
Jenny Zaclli
Coginchaug Regional High Schoo

Tony Award
Ayanna Bines
Bullard Havens Technical High

Youth Advocate Award
Summer Austin
Holy Cross High School

Awards Ceremony at State Capital