Donate Life Connecticut Education
Donate Life Connecticut is dedicated to the purpose of public education and awareness for all Connecticut residents concerning the lifesaving benefits of organ and tissue donation and increasing the number of registered donors. Our educational components include:
Driving School Curriculum
The law requires public schools, private driver's schools, and mail order courses to provide organ donation information as part of the driver's education. Donate Life Connecticut is proud to provide an educational video for driver's education programs to assist you in meeting those requirements. You can find the video on our YouTube page or request that it be sent to you by emailing dlct@donatelifect.org.
We also offer the opportunity for a guest speaker from our organization to come and speak to your class. Please email dlct@donatelifect.org for more information or to request a speaker.
Thank you for your time and dedication to providing the most up-to-date information about organ and tissue donation here in Connecticut.
High School Curriculum
Donate Life Connecticut has a complete curriculum for high school health or science classes. Please click here to access the full curriculum. Educating today's youth about organ health, donation in diverse populations, myths and facts, and overall donation literacy is essential to the future of organ transplants and we are grateful for your participation in this important work.
Please contact us at dlct@donatelifect.org with any questions or requests for support.
Event Speakers
Donate Life Connecticut representatives and volunteers are always willing to speak about organ donation. There are many appropriate ways to discuss donation in a public setting, such as during:
elementary, middle school, or high school classes
teacher's conferences
driver's education classes
religious group meetings
staff meetings
civic and service group meetings
health fairs
If you are interested in having a DLC representative speak at your event, please contact us. Thank you.
Student Projects & Art Contest
Donate Life Connecticut welcomes projects from students throughout the year and also sponsors an annual High School Visual Arts Contest. Below is a sampling of some of the wonderful projects teachers have submitted on behalf of their students.